So I guess I should start this article with why I decided to make a blog that features my old toys. Nostalgia. I was at my mother's house digging through old boxes and found all these action figures, cars, cards, and things I found important as a kid and had lots of memories come back to me. Some things had not aged well, or had years of dust, but I decided to clean them up as best I could and share what small amount of collectibles I had with anyone that cared to read this random blog on the internet.
I guess I should start from the very beginning of my search through my childhood belongings. First up, a mix of WCW and WWF action figures.
A mix of WWF (that's right, not E) and WCW wrestlers from the early 1990's.
After I opened box number one, I came across a shoebox that was full of these guys and started remembering the golden era of wrestling. My wife laughed at me as I remembered all the names of the wrestlers and started acting a fool using my best WWF ring announcer voice (think of Howard Finkle) to name them all. At one point I even had the WWF ring to go with them, but I am afraid that thing has been lost in the shuffle. I still had most of the championship belts still strapped around the waists of my then champions. Once I finally had them all stood up on the table to take this picture, I realized that many of these wrestlers are no longer living, which really is a shame.
Since the picture is kind of low quality, here is a list of the figures starting from left to right:
Ultimate Warrior (WWF), Barry Windham (WCW), Jake the Snake Roberts (WWF), Rick Steiner (WCW), Macho Man Randy Savage (WWF), Scott Steiner (WCW), Big Bossman (WWF), Flyin Brian Pillman (WCW), Sid Vicious (WCW), Ron Simmons (WCW), Z-Man (WCW), Undertaker (WWF), Lex Luger (WCW), Ricky the Dragon Steamboat (WWF), Akeem (WWF), Brutus the Barber Beefcake (WWF), Sting (WCW), and Ax (WWF).
Seeing that list, the world has lost Pillman, Savage, and Bossman, and others are shells of their original selves like Luger, Roberts, and Sid. Hard to believe that Scott Steiner, Sting, and Undertaker are still going.
I figured this would be a good starting point with Wrestlemania this Sunday to relive some of these memories. I plan to update more as I find more hidden gems at the house or just show off some of my more recent collections. Please leave me any feedback you have or drop a line about your collections.